How To Apply For A Canadian Visa From Albania

If you are one of the growing numbers of Albanians who are considering moving to Canada, choosing the right visa can simplify the process and give you a better chance of achieving your goal.

Canada offers a variety of immigration options and means of obtaining permanent residence. More than 22,000 Albanians have already immigrated successfully. There is a large community of Albanian ex-pats in Canada, and they have all had to go through the process that awaits them.

The Canadian government plans to welcome more than one million immigrants over the next three years as part of its strategy for economic growth and recovery. You can be one of the immigrants who appreciate the scenic beauty and the economic benefits. This article will explore how to apply for a Canadian visa from Albania, as well as the three types of Canadian visas available to you.

Apply for a Canadian Visa in These Five Easy Steps

Few people know about the immigration process; from visas to the required documents and the procedure for obtaining permanent residence in a new country. The sheer amount of paperwork and administration can be intimidating; We’ll break it down into five steps to make your Canada visa application as easy as possible.

Step 1: Select Your Visa Type

Applying for the appropriate visa is the starting point for your travels in Canada. Selecting the right visa can streamline your application and ensure success. It is important to know which visa category you belong to. Here are the main types of visas you can choose from:Advertisements

Temporary Resident Visa

A Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) is suitable for students, workers, or visitors. This type of visa allows you to enter Canada for a maximum of six months as long as you meet the established criteria. Once your VRT expires, you will need to return to your home country.

Study Permit

The study permit is intended for people who wish to study in Canada. To apply for this type of visa, you will need a letter of acceptance from a designated educational institution (DLI) in Canada, a valid passport or travel document, and proof that you are able to support yourself for the duration of your stay. IDDs are Canadian schools and educational institutions that can accommodate international students.

Work Permit

There are two types of work permits, and you need to select the one that is suitable for you:

  1. An employer-specific permit that specifies your employer and employment details
  2. An open work permit that allows you to work for a wide range of employers in Canada

If you’re still unclear on which permit you should aim for, contact us to speak to one of our experts who will help you determine the type of visa that will improve your chances of success.

Step 2: Check That You Have the Necessary Documents

Create a checklist to ensure that you have all the necessary documents before you proceed with your application. The list of general requirements for a visa entails, but is not limited to:

  • Passport
  • Proof of clean criminal record
  • Proof of medical exam
  • Photographs required for your Canadian Visa
  • A cover letter explaining the purpose of your travel
  • Proof of financial means
  • Certified copies of documents

For Work Visa:

  • Proof that you meet your job requirements
  • At least two written references
  • The offer of employment from your Canadian employer
  • A copy of your contract

For Student Visa:

  • Official letterhead from the Designated Learning Institution (DLI)
  • Copies of your current immigration status
  • Proof that your stay in Canada is temporary and your plans to leave once the permit expires
  • Proof that you can cover expenses for the duration of your studies

Step 3: Complete the Application Form

Download the application form and fill it out; You can submit it to the Visa Application Center physically or online. A crucial aspect of applying for a Canadian visa from Albania is to ensure that the forms are filled out correctly and to attach the necessary documents.

Step 4: Pay the Necessary Fees

Once the application is complete, you will need to pay a lump sum. Canadian visa applications range from $ 100 to $ 150 depending on the type of permit and the urgency. You must pay the required amount for your request to be processed.

Step 5: Visit the Visa Application Centre and Track Your Application

You will need to go to the visa center even if you choose to apply online. Your biometric data is required and you will subsequently obtain a unique tracking number to track the status of your request. You will receive updates via email or SMS directly to your phone regarding the status of your request.

Once the process is complete, you can pick up your visa at the application center. Please exercise due diligence and verify details are correct upon receipt.

Why Would You Want to Immigrate to Canada?

From stunning countryside to stunning cityscapes, Canada is the perfect fusion of nature and city life. Canada has rightly earned its reputation as one of the best countries in which to live. It is therefore not surprising that a large number of people want to settle there.

If you aren’t getting the hype yet, here are a few more reasons that might influence your desire to live there:

Canada Is One of the Best Countries for Women in the World

According to a survey of more than 256,700 women worldwide and published in CEOWORLD in 2020, Canada ranks fifth in the world as one of the best countries for women. The factors taken into account by the survey are gender equality, human rights, income equality, progress, and security.

The country’s low crime rates ensure that vulnerable members of society, women, and children, can live freely without the constant threat of violence.

Not only are women physically safer, but pay equity is part of Canada’s Human Rights Act. The law makes the gender pay gap illegal and discriminatory.

Free Healthcare and Education

Health care and education are free for all permanent residents, and when you move to Canada, you can take advantage of these benefits. The universal health system is covered by income tax.

Canada’s education system is ranked third among the best in the world for having a high-quality education. Your children will have free access to the best education. This allows you to invest more money in your children’s extramural activities and save for a college education.

You’ll also have easy access to world-class universities like the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia, to name a few.

Ample Job Opportunities

Canada has a rapidly growing economy and low unemployment rates. In 2017, made parallel comparisons of the unemployment rate in Canada and Albania. The results show that Albania was at 14.2% compared to Canada’s unemployment rate of 6.1%. The low unemployment rate, coupled with a growing economy, makes the country full of opportunities.

The country is also known for its companies that invest in improving the skills of their employees and in supporting their employees.

Canada Is a Diverse Country

Canada has unprecedented cultural, religious, and political diversity. The country’s diverse demographics ensure that you will feel right at home and meet people with similar interests.

The religious makeup of the country allows people of different faiths to find community and safely practice their religion. About 3.2 percent of the Canadian population is Islamic, and since Albania is a predominantly Islamic country, you can be sure that your beliefs are respected and welcomed.

Canada is considered one of the friendliest LGBTQIA + countries in the world. Canadian law prohibits discrimination and harassment of LGBTQIA + people, while the Albanian constitution does not offer the same protection.

Multiculturalism in Canada has even become a national policy. The country recognizes dual nationality, different religions, LGBTQIA + issues, encourages people to maintain their culture, and promotes diversity in the workplace.

A Work-Life Balance Is Encouraged

Canadian labor laws are among the best in the world. Its aim is to protect the well-being and rights of workers.

They have standard 40-hour workweeks, paid vacation days, public holidays, and parental leave that allow employees enough time to excel in their careers while raising children and spending time. with their family and friends. Moving to Canada will allow you to achieve a work-life balance.

Do I Qualify to Immigrate to Canada?

What are you waiting for? The only way to be sure is to try. A bright future full of lucrative job opportunities, security, and peace of mind awaits you beyond the five steps to getting your visa.

If you need a little more help applying for a Canadian visa from Albania, have a professional walk you through the process and suggest the best options for you to be successful.

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