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Turks in kosovoTurks in belgiumBosniaks in turkeyTurks in europeTurks in russiaTurks in finlandTurks of western thraceTurks in the balkansTurkish canadiansAlbanians in greeceTurks in franceSerbsTurks in north macedoniaSyrian turkmenTurkish cypriotsGermans of yugoslaviaAlbaniansOttoman greeksSerbo-montenegrins in albaniaCircassians in turkeySerbs of croatiaBosniaksSerb muslimsTurks in the netherlandsTurks in berlinBosniansGreeks in albaniaRomani people in hungaryIstrian italiansSlovenesKosovo albaniansKaramanlidesHungarian slovenesPomaksCroatsOttoman turksBulgariansMacedonian australiansAlbanian australiansSerbian enclaves in kosovoSouth slavsOttoman-turkeyArmenians in azerbaijanTurkish peopleIstro-romaniansSerbs of montenegroDemographics of iraqTurks in algeriaAfro-turksDalmatian italiansGreek muslimsAnatolian peoplesTurks in egyptRussiansIranian georgiansArmenians in russiaGorani peopleTorlakian dialectsCarinthian slovenesSerbian languageSlavic languagesTigrinya peopleSyriansNames of the serbs and serbiaRusynsRomani people in romaniaBurgenland croatsCircassians in syriaTurkish diasporaAlbanian diasporaBelarusiansKarakalpaksTurkish kurdistanGenetic studies on turkish peopleIndian indonesiansGagauz peopleSomalisGreek cypriotsAltai peopleTurkic peoplesUzbeksTurksItalians of ethiopiaSerbs of bosnia and herzegovinaTurkic peoples in indiaCretan turksTatars in lithuaniaAlbanian nameCroats of bosnia and herzegovinaItalian eritreansBanat swabiansKyrgyz peopleAfro-ukrainiansRomaniote jewsSlovene minority in italyCaucasus greeksBosniaks in kosovoItalians in the united kingdomItalians in germanyNames of the albanians and albania