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FastiEpistulae ad atticumIl canzoniereBook of lamentationsAeneidDe legibusThe ruinGreek anthologyAnnalsMeditationsEpistulae morales ad luciliumPharsaliaAchilleidDe rerum naturaAdonaisDe officiisHistoria augustaSuspiria de profundisLaelius de amicitiaHoly sonnetsDe vulgari eloquentiaHalcyonLyrical balladsDe oratoreCorrespondence of paul and senecaDe spectaculisAb urbe conditaPrison notebooksDe re publicaThe decay of lyingLetters on the englishDe profundisTodesfugeExeter book riddlesGerontionOn the sublimeThe twelve caesarsA defence of poetrySaturnaliaEssays of eliaPsychomachiaLife of constantineDe tranquillitate animiPhilippicaeDe beneficiisPoems by edgar allan poeHistoria calamitatumCommentarii de bello civiliPanegyrici latiniA confessionSilenceSatyriconPaston lettersThe roman revolutionThe anabasis of alexanderFirst apology of justin martyrDe natura deorumApocalypse of paulDe finibus bonorum et malorumInstitutio oratoriaAesop's fablesEtymologiaeHarrowing of hellPericles' funeral orationDiscourses of epictetusDeath be not proudLetter of lentulusThe canterbury talesSibylline booksIn verremPunicaFirst folioGalenic corpusThe decline of the westTristes tropiquesDevotions upon emergent occasionsThe quatrain of seven stepsParerga and paralipomenaThe excursionLettres provincialesApocolocyntosisTo his coy mistressDichtung und wahrheitSentencesAn essay on criticismProthalamionTusculanae disputationesCathayPauline epistlesNaturales quaestionesSortes vergilianaeEnneadsChu ciClassic of poetryLetter of jeremiahLetters to a young poetGermaniaThe road to calvaryThe poverty of philosophyApocalypse of peter