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CarmelitesDominican orderTrappistsDiscalced carmelitesServite orderBenedictinesOrder of friars minor conventualOrder of saint augustineOrder of the holy ghostCarthusiansCamaldoleseSociety of the holy nameOrder of the holy sepulchreSomaschi fathersTheatinesOrder of santiagoHieronymitesOrder of the holy spiritSecular franciscan orderCongregation of holy crossSociety of the holy crossSociety of jesusTheatineBarnabitesCongregation of the holy spiritPiaristsThird order of saint dominicClaretiansBridgettinesPremonstratensiansCelestinePassionistsPallottinesPriestly fraternity of saint peterFranciscan friars of the renewalOrder of the solar templeOratory of saint philip neriMekhitaristsLay carmelitesPoor claresSovereign military order of maltaCeltic orthodox churchCarmelites of mary immaculateOrder of saint stephenApostolic povertyFranciscansSociety of saint pius xTemplarOrder of friars minorLegionaries of christInstitute of the good shepherdThird order of saint francisOpus deiSociety of the divine wordOrder of saint basil the greatSociety of saint francisSons of the most holy redeemerOrder of saint benedictOrder of saint lazarusRed cross of constantineFriarPaulist fathersPiaristPremonstratensianServiteEastern christian monasticismFriends of godReligious orderSalesians of don boscoCongregation of christian brothersAugustiniansCarmelite riteKnights of saint columbanusPaulistsOrder of pope pius ixSociety of saint pius vCistercian architectureOrder of interbeingSyriac orthodox churchPlymouth brethrenCongregation of the missionRedemptoristsSulpicianMendicant ordersCarmeliteCatholic apostolic churchSociety of saint vincent de paulMechitaristKnight of justiceCistercianismCatharismChaldean catholic churchJoachimiteOpen brethrenCamilliansSisters of charityPomorian old-orthodox churchTrappistPalmarian christian churchRedemptionist