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EurodistrictMultinational stateLegal pluralismMetropolitan areas of mexicoTerritoryEnclave and exclaveHistory of the european unionInternational zoneFree-trade areaJurisdictionBorders of franceTerritories of the united statesEnclaveMember stateCountryLocal government areaAutonomous republicFederacyLatin american economyLists of cities by countryBorders of venezuelaEmpireSubregionDistrictGovernment of amsterdamIndependent cityEastern europeCentral africaLists of cities and townsCountyMesoregions of brazilInternal marketRegionalisationArchipelagic stateDivisionFree trade areas in europeCity districtTwo chinasLimitrophe statesCounties of the united kingdomCantons of franceRegions of the czech republicTaiwan, chinaLists of countries and territoriesDistricts in californiaSwiss nobilityTimeline of national independenceAutonomous provinceLocal government in new zealandFederalism in germanyEuropean microstatesAll-irelandFederationRegions of venezuelaTriangular tradeProvinces of italyFiscal unionDistricts of japanProvinceTaxation in the united statesState parkInternational organizationDepartments of argentinaAdministrative divisions of quebecFlags of europeTaxation in germanyCorregimientos of panamaSpatial planningSubdivisions of belfastState flagFederal districts of russiaMunicipalities of brazilDemographics of europePrefectures of chinaFederal republicLaw enforcement by countryThe wildwoodsCustoms territoryLists of municipalities in canadaAsymmetric federalismArrondissementBoroughPentapolisRegional tartans of canadaSuffragan dioceseRegions of polandPartition of quebecMunicipalities of mexicoAustralian regional rivalriesCity statusEnlargement of the united nationsExternal debtCounties of englandSeparatist movements of indiaSubdistrictProvinces of portugalArrondissements of franceLists of flagsMunicipalities of colombiaGallery of sovereign state flags