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Crisis text lineIt gets better projectLos angeles lgbt centerSamaritansGlobalgivingAids healthcare foundationThe exodus road988 suicide & crisis lifelineTransgender europePopulation services internationalAutistic self advocacy networkLegal services corporationThe jed foundationThe legal aid societyActive mindsSouthern poverty law centerThe doe fundKids helplineChoose loveTides foundationRainbow railroadLittle people of americaProgressive policy instituteNational safety councilCharity navigatorStonewallCovenant houseCasa rubyLambda legalGmhcPlanned parenthoodChildlineCallistoPflagMacmillan cancer supportOperation underground railroadJdrfErowidLiberty counselMake-a-wish foundationCenter for constitutional rightsArcus foundationFinal exit networkThe mission continuesInternational justice missionRainbow riots501 organizationHoward brown healthTo write love on her armsHarmonyThe non-gmo projectProject semicolonGirls, inc.Let's get readyEx-muslims of north americaLibretextsFavored nationsThe conference boardChicago foundation for womenLivestrong foundationCenter for reproductive rightsAccess nowGivedirectlyStudents for life of americaMermaidsCystic fibrosis foundationTruthoutSmart recoveryInnocence projectTerrence higgins trustThe trevor projectAmerican red crossHiasBraver angelsCommon dreamsPolaris projectAmerican atheistsMind and life instituteHuman rights law networkHealth advocateSouthern center for human rightsJesse lewis choose love movementGuttmacher instituteHuman rights foundationAmericaresHuman rights campaignMaiti nepalDirect reliefColor of changeCrime stoppersThe good food institutePrageruLocks of lovePro mujerFairvoteGays for trumpPoints of light7 cupsCalyx instituteThe climate reality project