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Sale of goods act 1979Truth in lending actAntideficiency actConsumer protectionFederal meat inspection actProtectionismForeign corrupt practices actFederal wire actDurbin amendmentAnti-discrimination lawDefend trade secrets actRight to financial privacy actPrice controlsProtected designation of originSecurities exchange act of 1934Regulation aStatute of fraudsProhibitionProduct liabilityKnife legislationFirst-sale doctrinePrice ceilingPrice floorAnti-circumventionFalse claims actBlue sky lawBank regulationTrading with the enemy actAnimal enterprise terrorism actLacey act of 1900Protectionism in the united statesUnited states antitrust lawBlock exemption regulationPrivacy lawFalse advertisingCarriage of goods by sea actList priceCounterfeit consumer goodsNon-tariff barriers to tradeState monopolyCalifornia unfair competition lawForeign exchange controlsSlave trade actNon-disclosure agreementDormant commerce clauseNet capital ruleCustomer identification programMoral rights in united kingdom lawImport quotaParol evidence ruleBan on sharia lawTerms of serviceTrade dressSecurity agreementFinancial regulationTechnical barriers to tradeMinimum wage lawForeign agents registration actRegulation s-xIr35Indirect taxNegative pledgeHonest services fraudSingle subject amendmentRegal ltd v gulliverRight-to-work lawCommercial lawTitle retention clauseMartin actThe takeover codeSecurities fraudSecurities transaction taxPrivacy policyExport subsidyPrice fixingAlcohol lawSafeguardSlotting feeCompetition lawContainer-deposit legislationMarketplace fairness actOccupational licensingConsumer sovereigntyRestraint on alienationRent control in ontarioSec rule 10b-5Overview of gun laws by nationEuropean labour lawReturn merchandise authorizationFederal crime in the united statesMoney-back guaranteeEuropean union value added taxService markHealth claimExclusionary ruleEssential servicesDomestic marketTrademark infringementLobbying in the united kingdomPrivity of contract