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Mike espySonny perdueJohn rusling blockJoe bidenDenis mcdonoughGil cisnerosRay lahoodPaul pateDave loebsackBrian schweitzerDirk kempthorneStephen hadleyDelbert hosemannJohn tienBob gibbsDan newhouseRyan quarlesJon testerTerry branstadDan quayleTom carperAntony blinkenRobert wilkieBrian deeseRobert o. workTom daschleDan brouilletteBernie sandersDennis daugaardJack lewDavid beasleyCharlie bakerAsh carterDavid perdueAdam putnamBrad finstadLawrence summersTimothy geithnerS. vijay kumarAl goreBill clintonScott schwabMichael g. vickersPolitical positions of joe bidenAndy baukolMichael chertoffRussell voughtMike penceRichard v. spencerAlexander acostaPhil bredesenRichard codeyTom wolfJake sullivanMike pompeoMichael d. brownBob wiseRobert gatesRay mabusDouglas domenechJohn hoevenDonald payne jr.Jeffrey zientsTim kainePatrick leahyAndrew r. wheelerJohn thuneTom ridgeDavid bernhardtRick perryDan tangherliniJimmy carterDonald carcieriJeff sessionsJames g. wattJohn baldacciKent conradJames morhardMichael watsonBrad littleChad wolfSpencer abrahamJay insleeBrian p. mckeonDick durbinKailash choudharyJohn e. whitleyMark meadowsPhil bryantKen paxtonRodney e. slaterJohn kerryCedric richmondGeorge eusticePatrick m. shanahanSherrod brownDoug burgumMark martinGaston capertonMick mulvaney