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Cannabis actPsychoactive substances act 2016Medicines act 19682022 in politics and governmentLa guardia committeeKerry committee reportSafe banking actDirective 67/548/eecDrug quality and security actReactions to the panama papersAnti-drug abuse act of 1986Tobacco products directivePure food and drug actCivil rights act of 1964International lawThe international pharmacopoeiaCanadian bill of rightsGenocide conventionCannabis in mexicoCensorship by countryAtomic energy act of 1954Consumer rights act 2015People v. jacksonSanctions against iranPredicted impact of brexit21st century cures actTrade agreements act of 1979Indigenous treaties in australiaCovid-19 pandemic casesInternational human rights lawInterpol noticeTreaties of the european unionCodex alimentariusDiplomatic recognitionSocial security amendments of 1965Presidential records actAcquis communautaireAffordable care actClp regulationTreaty of lisbonCitesNative title act 1993Human genome projectRegulation 2017/745Intergovernmental organizationMandateUnited nationsInternational sanctionsGlobal governance9/11 commission reportCovid-19 pandemic deathsMueller reportHarare declarationClayton antitrust act of 1914Charter of the commonwealthTelecommunications act of 1996SuperstateParis agreementParliament acts 1911 and 1949The 28 pagesInternational securityTreaty of amsterdamIpcc sixth assessment reportPortugal's list of tax havensMutual legal assistance treatyEuropean union tax haven blacklistInformation society directiveCountry of particular concernDigital millennium copyright actCharlottetown accordHuman life amendmentConvention on cybercrimeDsm-5Abortion act 1967Trips agreementPrescription drug user fee actDrug policy of portugalPan-americanismHague conventions of 1899 and 1907Global connectivity indexGreen paperNuclear waste policy actEarth charterConference of the partiesArms controlNationally determined contributionAlien tort statuteAnti-conspiracy billTreaty on european unionTechnology alert listEuropean integrationRotterdam conventionFincen filesNational emergencies actEuropean union act 2020Care act 2014Declaration of genevaCartagena protocol on biosafetySanctions against syriaMarriage amendment act 2017