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Mauna kea observatoriesMauna loa observatoryPuna geothermal venturePohakuloa training areaAtacama cosmology telescopeMauna loaLarge binocular telescopeMauna keaCape windMount waialealeAsian renewable energy hubSouth pole telescopeSite c damAes hawaii power plantNorth sea wind power hubDenaliMount katmaiArecibo telescopeMount everestOcean windKoko craterHanhikivi nuclear power plantEast anglia arrayMount ruapehuLarge zenith telescopeSouth fork wind farmIcecube neutrino observatoryBlue castle projectDenali national park and preserveHawaii hotspotMount kilimanjaro climbing routesBlock island wind farmRano kauMojave solar projectHallasanNevis peakPebble mineIvanpah solar power facilityMount tongariroPavonis monsUpoluTeideMount whitneyRed hill water crisisMount adagdakMount rainierCastle mountainNihoaMount tehamaMount arayatKualoa ranchMaat monsPico de orizabaRakataMount okmokMount halconThacker pass lithium mineFlannan isles lighthouseDiamond head, hawaiiTemple of the sunMount redoubtMount mazamaKeeling curveCumbre viejaNorth west shelf ventureSouthern alpsPiton des neigesBig benLisianski islandSimons observatoryTidal lagoon swansea bayMawson peakMount mitchellMoorside nuclear power stationMount kenyaMount elbertAmerican prairieSolar energy generating systemsMount neboMount taranakiSvalbard satellite stationAira calderaMountaintop removal miningGorgon gas projectMount longonotTurtle islandChatham islandBango wind farmCheops pyramidMount baturAlta wind energy centerRano rarakuManapouri power stationElephant islandMount langleyMount makilingTupungatoLlano de chajnantor observatorySamosirSurtsey