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Anthroposophical societyAmerican philosophical societyHermetic order of the golden dawnRosicrucian fellowshipAnthroposophyTheosSociety of biblical literaturePhi kappa phiThe satanic templeTriratna buddhist communityTyphonian orderRoyal astronomical societySociety of antiquaries of londonSociety of dilettantiKrishnamurti foundationTanzeem-e-islamiThe skeptics societyNew acropolisInayati orderBritish and foreign bible societyHistorical societyHakluyt societyRoyal historical societyFourth wayPhi beta kappaFabian societyGuild of st georgeSeshatBritish science associationFrench academy of sciencesAmerican friends service committeeJohn templeton foundationPhi delta phiRoyal photographic societyGurdjieff foundationDante alighieri societyTranscendental meditation movementAmerican chemical societyOrdo aurum solisNational space societyEvangelical theological societyThe explorers clubAmerican humanist associationAncient order of druidsRussell sage foundationLucis trustLinnean society of londonAmerican mathematical societySociety of the cincinnatiSeti instituteSigma xiLe droit humainFreemasonSchiller instituteMont pelerin societyRoyal society of artsAmerican historical associationLearned societyHumanists internationalRoyal society of chemistryAmerican pharmacists associationNew york academy of medicineNational council of negro womenNative sons of the golden westAmerican civil liberties unionInternational astronomical unionAmerican welding societyInscriptiones graecaeInstitut du monde arabeDaughters of americaClub of romeLong now foundationCommittee for skeptical inquiryLondon mathematical societySocial science research councilForeign policy research instituteOregon historical societyPhilolexian societyAssociation of zoos and aquariumsIlluminates of thanaterosCenter for inquiryTaoist tai chiAtlas networkOrder of nine anglesGlobal consciousness projectSpieEranosAccademia della cruscaIndian council of medical researchFederation of american scientistsTemple of the black lightShri ram chandra missionAlexander von humboldt foundationPen americaAmerican heart associationGorsedd cymruBioneersJunior leagueApplied scholasticsPhilolexian