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Theodore ii laskarisAndronikos i komnenosMichael viii palaiologosJohn iii doukas vatatzesAndronikos ii palaiologosIsaac ii angelosJohn iv laskarisAlexios i komnenosAlexios iv angelosAndronikos iii palaiologosAlexios ii komnenosNikephoros ii phokasConstantine viiiRomanos iii argyrosIsaac i komnenosLothair iii, holy roman emperorHeracliusJohn v palaiologosMichael iv the paphlagonianTheodore komnenos doukasAlexios i of trebizondTheodosius iJohn viii palaiologosJohn ii komnenosConstantine ix monomachosLeo iii the isaurianJohn of brienneManuel ii palaiologosAnastasios iiPope alexander ivIsaac komnenos of cyprusStaurakiosNikephoros iii botaneiatesMichael i rangabeConstantine viiLeo iv the khazarManuel i komnenosBasil iJohn iv of trebizondLeo v the armenianBayezid iiEustathius of thessalonicaConrad ii, holy roman emperorOtto iv, holy roman emperorNikephoros bryennios the youngerConstantine i of greeceLeo vi the wiseTheodore ii palaiologosAlexios v doukasPope paschal iiMichael i cerulariusBaldwin ii, latin emperorHenry of flandersNikephoros i of constantinoplePope john xxiPope clement iiiConstantine x doukasNikephoros bryennios the elderHeraclius the elderBasil iiPeter ii of courtenayAlexanderJustinian iConstantine vConstantine xi palaiologosNikephoros iPope victor iiiSaladinPope lucius iiRomanos i lekapenosGeorge maniakesNicholas mystikosBaldwin i, latin emperorIvan asen iiPope benedict xiAndronikos iv palaiologosJohn tzelepes komnenosPope adrian vMaximilian i, holy roman emperorRomanos iiLeopold iii, margrave of austriaPope anastasius iiiSuleiman ii of the ottoman empireFrancis ii, holy roman emperorPope boniface viiiTheodosius iiThomas palaiologosJustinianAlexios iii angelosPope celestine iiiLeopold vi, duke of austriaPope innocent iiPope honorius ivPope nicholas ivPope agapetus iiPope innocent xiFrederick iii of sicilyMehmed iiiTiberius ii constantineKaloyan of bulgaria