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CountyJurisdictionIndependent cityCounties of the united kingdomLocal government in new jerseyCensus divisionLocal government areaCounties of englandTerritories of the united statesAll-irelandBoroughFederacyDistricts of maltaTaxation in the united statesDistrictAdministrative divisions of quebecLocal government in new zealandTerritoryMetropolitan areas of mexicoDistricts in californiaTransborder agglomerationLocal government in englandCriminal law of the united statesSubdivisions of belfastLegal pluralismPartition of quebecEurodistrictPrefectures of chinaProvinces of denmarkCadastral divisions of victoriaRegions of polandMunicipalities of croatiaDistricts of copenhagenSubdivisions of scotlandTownshipCity status in irelandMunicipalities of belgiumCustoms territoryMesoregions of brazilDepartments of argentinaLists of municipalities in canadaGovernment of amsterdamStates' rightsLocal government in californiaCantons of franceCounties of irelandPolitical status of puerto ricoTaxation in germanyCity districtLocal government in indiaTaiwan, chinaFlag of northern irelandConstables in the united statesEnclave and exclaveRegions of the czech republicMunicipalities of colombiaProvinces of the netherlandsMunicipalities of south africaLaw enforcement by countryRegions of victoriaTaxation in switzerlandSwiss nobilitySubdistrictFlags of new york cityCounties of chinaLocal government in walesState parkMunicipal policeNeighborhoods of minneapolisCounties of kenyaSpeed limits in canadaAsymmetric federalismMunicipalities of mexicoCross-border flag for irelandTaxation in norwayJudicial districtProvinces of portugalTax residenceProvinces of italyGovernorates of syriaDistricts of hong kongEnclaveRegional tartans of canadaCityMunicipalities of brazilCensus tractCorregimientos of panamaCounties of norwayRegions of swedenSubregionAutonomous republicDistricts of indonesiaHealthcare in the united kingdomInternational zoneHome ruleMunicipalities of north macedoniaDistricts of japanAlcohol laws of marylandBorders of franceSpatial planning