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Being and nothingnessCritique of dialectical reasonAnti-semite and jewThe ego and its ownExistentialism is a humanismThe death of the authorThe phenomenon of manCritique of judgmentThe origin of the work of artPhenomenology of perceptionPhilosophical fragmentsTime and free willDiscourse on the methodMatter and memoryBeing and timeThe concept of anxietyThe metropolis and mental lifeThe phenomenology of spiritDiscourse on inequalityCritique of pure reasonThe concept of the politicalAesthetic theoryThe philosophy of compositionMetaphysics of moralsMeditations on first philosophyThe post card1964 nobel prize in literatureThe age of louis xivReasons and personsProcess and realityHuman, all too humanThe ego and the idA treatise of human natureSources of the selfTranscendental idealismReflections on violenceThe question concerning technologyReflections on gandhiContributions to philosophyThe bed of procrustesThe idea of the holyTruth and methodPlato's dreamThe poverty of philosophyThe system of natureThe critic as artistThe foundations of arithmeticAll gall is dividedThe degrees of knowledgeThe decay of lyingTractatus logico-philosophicusThe virtue of selfishnessPhilosophy of the unconsciousEssay on the origin of languagesNietzsche contra wagnerThe technological societyMaterialism and empirio-criticismOn the heights of despairFear and tremblingMain currents of marxismCritique of impure reasonEcce homoMind, self and societyDialectic of enlightenmentThe savage mindMind and cosmosEthicsMinima moraliaSimulacra and simulationReveries of the solitary walkerCartesian meditationsThe principles of psychologyThe second sexThe accursed shareA secular ageSynchronicityEmile, or on educationThe problems of philosophyDurationOn the genealogy of moralityThe sublime object of ideologyRevolt against the modern worldCritique of cynical reasonScience of logicDas kapitalBeyond good and evilThe interpretation of dreamsOn human natureThe true believerTwilight of the idolsThe human conditionPsychological typesThe revolution of everyday lifeCritique of practical reasonParerga and paralipomenaThe essence of christianityNotes on nationalismPierre-joseph proudhonThe stuff of thoughtFrom caligari to hitler