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Cow and chickenBig nateKing star kingThe ren & stimpy showThe new woody woodpecker showRobot chickenThe awesomesThe plucky duck showThe brak showAnimaniacsRen & stimpy "adult party cartoon"The cyanide & happiness showThe midnight gospelThe quick draw mcgraw showTom goes to the mayorSquidbilliesRegular showPrimalThe itchy & scratchy showEd, edd n eddyAmerican dad!Droopy, master detectiveThe brady kidsPerfect hair foreverSealab 2021The huckleberry hound showThe jellies!The venture bros.Moral orelKappa mikeyLooney tunes cartoonsRick and mortyMixelsInvader zimThe wild thornberrysHappy tree friendsThe oz kidsCloudy with a chance of meatballsThe charlie brown and snoopy showDr. katz, professional therapistThe tom and jerry comedy showCourage the cowardly dogHarvey birdman, attorney at lawMike tyson mysteriesSolar oppositesThe looney tunes showPinky and the brainSouth parkPet alienPink panther and palsThe powerpuff girlsAqua teen hunger forceAssy mcgeeChozenThe jeff dunham showMilo murphy's lawCleopatra in spaceThe twisted whiskers showQueer duckSecret mountain fort awesomeDarkstalkersIron manDarkwing duckScooby-doo, where are you!Tender touchesBojack horsemanChappelle's showThe amazing world of gumballKing of the hillCave kidsDoctor dolittleCastlevaniaFreakazoid!Dragon boosterDrunk historyJumanjiThe pirates of dark waterChop socky chooksSchmigadoon!Allen gregoryFamily guyDrawn togetherDuck dodgersThe penguins of madagascarGolan the insatiableThe simpsons discographySpace ghost coast to coastAnt-manJosie and the pussycatsSym-bionic titanStripperellaMighty magiswordsTiny toon adventuresMickey mouse worksInvincibleBack to the futureDennis the menaceMickey mouse clubhousePhineas and ferbSuperjail!