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Homer definedThe way we weren'tBart after darkThe war of the simpsonsThe blunder yearsBart sells his soulThe debartedHomer vs. dignityHomer's enemyThe otto showSimple simpsonCape feareThe frontTreehouse of horror xviiiThe book jobBart the finkMuch apu about nothingBart the generalBart of darknessThe old man and the lisaBart gets famousThe bob next doorBart on the roadSideshow bob robertsDead putting societyTreehouse of horror iiiDufflessDancin' homerBart the murdererOnce upon a time in springfieldBurns' heirTrash of the titansKing of the hillTreehouse of horror xxiThe d'oh-cial networkFather knows worstBart starThe regina monologuesA star is burnsThe last temptation of homerTreehouse of horror xxivHomer loves flandersTreehouse of horror xxTales from the public domainThe color yellowHomer badmanLady bouvier's loverHomer and apuMonty can't buy me loveOh brother, where art thou?That '90s showBart to the futureThe call of the simpsons24 minutesSimpsons bible storiesLisa's substituteThe way we wasSelma's choicePygmoelianThe cad and the hatHomerpaloozaThe springfield filesHomer goes to collegeHolidays of future passedThe trouble with trillionsHomer's triple bypassThe last temptation of krustHomer the hereticBart's cometBart the daredevilTreehouse of horror xixColonel homerBart's new friendHow i wet your motherHomer aloneDog of deathTreehouse of horror xxiiiSimpsoramaHomer the greatSimpson tideTeam homerBart's inner childHomer to the maxRosebudMarge be not proudMarge in chainsThe president wore pearlsPaths of glorySummer of 4 ft. 2Bart-mangled bannerThe simpsons spin-off showcaseHomie the clownLast exit to springfieldBrick like meThe day the violence diedFaith offRadio bartHomer the vigilanteNew kid on the blockO brother, where bart thou?