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The boats of the "glen carrig"HallucinationsOnset of putrefactionInto the graveShape of despairNifelheimDeicideCursedGolgothaThe misanthropeEpicus doomicus metallicusAltars of madnessMemorialEffigy of the forgottenGrand morbid funeralSlowly we rotFar away from the sunDark endlessAbbathAkeldamaHallucinating anxietyA valedictionSorrow and extinctionReek of putrefactionResurrection through carnageIron saviorAngstShadows in the deepDark medieval timesImpurityDe profundisEidolonBeneath the encasing of ashesAquariusHeart of darknessAntigoneDark funeralInfernal overkillAeolianBathorySoulside journeyConjuring the deadIn the name of sufferingFatal portraitSumerian cryAntagonistEvil never diesAllegianceInfinityOriginNecrosisNightmares made fleshPrimal fearAlloyMonolithDe mysteriis dom sathanasTotal deathBlasphemy made fleshPhallus deiBetween the buried and meBurzumPrison of desireBlack shining leatherMinas morgulDead by aprilRedemptionGravity killsFate of nornsMurderEmperorSeveranceThe principle of evil made fleshOnyxKralliceThe dark elementBorknagarInfernoNihilityThe grave diggerManifestoRetribution for the deadAmarantheBattalions of fearImageryPeripeteiaThe angel and the dark riverChainsaw dismembermentThe erosion of sanityThe ghost of orionNordTake this to your graveKylesaSuffocationThis is exileBurialStorm of the light's baneNecrodaemon terrorsathanEaten back to lifeDeadThrenody