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BoulderGravity killsPuddle of muddSt. lunaticsBlack fastStory of the yearThe gun clubThe ozark mountain daredevilsIdahoFoxingTrip shakespeareStaindBracketThe frontAnacrusisSweetwaterMedicine hatThe muffsStone sourCrossfadeFor squirrelsSecond comingEdnaswapHeatmiserThe reatardsDrillChicago loopCometModest mouseBuilt to spill1997The spitsShooting starSlintGreat lakesHootie & the blowfishLos straitjacketsThe gourdsFailureStillwaterMotion city soundtrackBloodrockEverclearAlien ant farmKing's xThe jesus lizardDessauDillinger fourThe frumpiesThe urgeBaton rougeThe spinanesFountains of wayneGumballLionsPlanes mistaken for starsBr549SugarThe stone foxesMuleNorth mississippi allstarsThe rivierasThe trashmenPuressenceThe mothers of inventionArc angelsSense fieldThe get up kidsThe hipposThe receiving end of sirensFastballThe amboy dukes3 doors downDredgStellastarrJimmy eat worldBigelfMr. misterPapa roachPodunkStrung outThe exiesPoundFuckHoleCreedHomeNew radicalsJump, little childrenModern baseballThe replacementsI the mightyPhantom planetChevelleBlink-182GodsmackInchHarvey milkThe donnasThe fire theft