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Middle latitudesTropicsPolar regions of earthThermal equatorClimate of brazilTropicEastern hemisphereMediterranean climateZoneNorth americaTropical rainforest climateSubarctic23rd parallel northSouth americaHorse latitudesClimate of estoniaClimate of africaClimate of south africaArctic circleWestern hemisphereClimate of pakistanTropical forestGeography of indiaTorrid zoneOceanic climateEuropeTundra climateSubarctic climateTropic of capricornAntarctic circleAsiaAntarctic zoneMediterranean basin90th meridian westClimate of venezuelaContinental united statesClimate of nova scotiaNorth atlantic120th meridian eastHolarctic realm100th meridian westCaribbean basinTropical andesClimate of romania93rd meridian east80th meridian east30th meridian eastMeridianInterior plains95th meridian westTourism in argentinaInner asiaCentral time zoneTerritorial claims in the arcticPalearctic10th meridian eastClimate of the nordic countriesNorthern australiaAntarcticBoreal ecosystemNorth poleTropic of cancerTropical savanna climateHumid continental climateClimate of new jerseyOceaniaTropopauseSouthern oceanAfricaSouthern great lakes forestsSouthern coneArctic alaskaCentral asiaAmazon biomeNorthEquatorial africaAustraliaIndo-pacificGeography of greenlandCentral californiaSahara desert66th parallel northArctic oceanCanadian arctic archipelagoEast coast of the united statesNorth atlantic oceanClimatic regions of argentinaGeography of canadaCanadian arctic tundraClimate of icelandNortheast asiaMid-atlanticNortheastEastern united statesTropical climateAntarctic convergenceSubhumid temperate climateCaribbeanAmericasPolar low