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Capitoline hillCapitolPyramid of cestiusMamertine prisonMount lycabettusTemple of jupiter optimus maximusTemple of saturnRoman forumAcrocorinthHouse of augustusAventine hillStadium of domitianElagabaliumPiazza della repubblica, romeSpanish stepsMausoleum of augustusTemple of apollo palatinusServian wallFlavian palaceOplontisAcropolis of athensTemple of claudiusTrajan's columnCastle of rocca calascioCircus flaminiusColumn of phocasGreek theatre of syracuseTemple of vestaCircus of maxentiusColosseumRostraBaths of agrippaCastel sant'angeloTemple mountSeptizodiumCapitoliumCatacomb of priscillaArch of constantineTomb of the scipiosPergamon altarSanti giovanni e paolo al celioPoenari castleTrajan's marketColumn of marcus aureliusLargo di torre argentinaPorta porteseLateran palaceTheatre of marcellusDying gaulNewgate prisonCaishikou execution groundsAmphitheatre of capuaPalazzo veneziaConciergerieBasilica of maxentiusPiazza della rotondaPalazzo colonnaHadrian's wallTemple of hadrianPorta maggioreRock of cashelLeonine cityGemonian stairsCadmeaDomus augustanaTower of elahbelRunkelstein castlePonte milvioTheatre of pompeyTophetTemple of olympian zeus, athensHanging templeEar of dionysiusPiazza di spagnaLupercalBelvedereCircus of neroCapitoline wolfGibbet of montfauconHouse of the tragic poetArch of titusHohenwerfen castleBasilica ulpiaSanta maria in ara coeliLondon wallTorre de collserolaFlaminio obeliskTomb of caecilia metellaBled castleHadrian's villaToompeaTemple of mars ultorCastel del monte, apuliaDeath rowTemple of lunaTerminal figureTarentumHeel stoneAurelian wallsWestern wall