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Synod of cashelKingdom of gwyneddCouncil of clermontEnglish reformationFirst council of nicaeaLordship of irelandAnglo-norman invasion of irelandCouncil of ephesusFirst synod of tyreEdict of thessalonicaFirst vatican councilCouncil of romeKingdom of the lombardsTreaty of yorkMercian supremacyHistory of anglo-saxon englandByzantine papacyFourth council of the lateranQuinisext councilReligion in icelandConcordat of wormsCouncil of constanceCouncil of serdicaIrish rebellion of 1641Scotland in the early middle agesArchbishopric of magdeburgDonation of constantineChristianization of iberiaPapal statesAct of uniformity 1558General roman calendar of 1960Hampton court conferenceKingdom of dublinEdict of nantesDonation of pepinEngland in the high middle agesKingdom of englandKingdom of italyBosnian churchActs of supremacyDeposition of romulus augustusCouncils of toledoFifth council of the lateranCouncil of jerusalemEnglish reformation parliamentCyfraith hywelHistory of irelandScottish reformationStatutes of ionaStatute of rhuddlanKingdom of the islesAnglo-saxon lawOttoman claim to roman successionDissolution of the monasteriesStuart restorationRoman kingdomHiberno-roman relationsProtestation at speyerElizabethan religious settlementRoman dioceseKingdom of albaniaLombard leagueRoman syriaConfederate irelandAustrasiaEast franciaSamo's empireKingdom of aksumMauro-roman kingdomSynod of dortDiocese of the eastDuchy of thuringiaBritish interregnumDiocese of thraceKingdom of arlesByzantine empireDiocese of egyptDiocese of africaOverthrow of the roman monarchyEdict of milanProtestant ascendancyHistory of the papacyTreaty of veniceHoly roman empireFirst seven ecumenical councilsGolden bull of 1356Portuguese inquisitionDuchy of prussiaDeclaration of arbroathDuchy of austriaImperial electionHistory of the romans in arabiaRoman egyptExarchate of ravennaSicilyBerber revoltFeudalism in the holy roman empireCapitularyLetter of majestyScotland in the late middle ages