MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Sweep something under the carpetWave awaySweep asidePaper over the cracksCover upBury one's head in the sandSlip under the radarGet something over withBeat around the bushCover one's tracksHide one's light under a bushelBrush asideCut cornersFly under the radarFudge the issueThrow under the busBrush offKeep one's head downPull the rug out from underSlip through the cracksGet away withPull the wool over someone's eyesMake short work ofHide in plain sightScratch beneath the surfaceWork aroundSweep someone off their feetGo over someone's headKick the can down the roadRake overFly lowShut one's eyesLet slideLook the other wayTalk someone under the tableTurn a blind eyeGive someone the slipPull the rugPut one's head in the sandClose one's eyesBlow the lid offBeat the dustIgnoreRip off the band-aidLet something slipTie up loose endsKeep a low profileMake quick work ofTiptoe aroundChange the subjectSweat the small stuffDuckshoveTake something in strideGive someone the runaroundMake a mountain out of a molehillLook throughDodge the columnStick one's head in the sandRear one's headShlenterPut a lid onCast a shadowKeep shadyKeep one's head below the parapetCut and runSling the hatchetWhip throughTake out the trashBroomFall between the cracksBottle itBlow someone's coverDig out of a holeTake care of businessCome out in the washCover one's basesSweep the floor with somebodySkim throughKeep a lid onFile awayHandle with kid glovesSkate overSneakSwing the leadPut one overLive a lieWalk awaySoften someone's coughMake haste slowlyTake coverPass the buckScratch the surfaceMake light work ofGet aroundBlow offSweep the floor with someoneBreak coverGo underKick up dustBust the dust