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SwaggerGive oneself airsSwag it outPranceStrut one's stuffSwag itSpout offSwag it upHigh-sideSassPuff one's chestBoulevardierCome out swingingStuntGloatTalk trashSwishPut on airsCarry oneselfShoot off at the mouthGrandstandSwash someone's buckleFlash aroundSnarkToot one's own hornSwangTalk bigMake a spectacle of oneselfShow awaySwingeHangdogBlow out one's bagsCut a wide swathHold one's head highSwallow one's prideTalk smackGet upAdorn oneself with borrowed plumesBoastStrap on a pairShow outSlangPut on frillsBallsThrow one's weight aroundBluffFluff one's feathersBlowLairizeStrollWalk the streetsWalk on the wild sideHotdogJiggetHumblebragLord it overSwinkShowboatSmart offPiqueWax lyricalBlow one's own hornJerk aroundRide roughshod overFlashBullspeakFloat like a butterflyBounceHave one's tail upStand tallStrike sailSwear like a trooperBow and scrapePuffKick up one's heelsWaltz matildaKick aroundSpit in someone's faceShoot one's mouth offWalk all overSpur onSlingshootWalk one's chalksRitzRide tall in the saddleRun away withSmuggleSwackShoot from the lipSpazVultureGet aroundSpeak upHop the twigTalk shiteAssert oneselfWalk spanishShagPut on the dogHold sway