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Sustainable development goal 13Sustainable development goal 7Sustainable development goal 12Sustainable development goal 11Sustainable development goal 1Sustainable development goal 9Sustainable development goal 4Sustainable development goal 8Sustainable development goal 10Sustainable development goal 5Sustainable development goalsSustainable development goal 14Sustainable development goal 6Sustainable development goal 17Sustainable development goal 16Sustainable development goal 2Green climate fundMillennium development goalsPost-2015 development agendaParis agreementEarth charterSingapore green plan 20302017Global compact for migrationOne healthCodex alimentariusEuropean green dealUnited nationsOpen government partnershipJoint implementationCartagena protocol on biosafetySaudi vision 2030International human rights lawAgenda 21Green new dealKyoto protocolClimate governanceSwachh bharat missionGeneral data protection regulationNationally determined contributionBasel iiiDirective 89/391/eecOecd better life indexEnvironment act 2021Global stocktakeNhs long term planResponsibility to protectIct development indexNew international economic orderIso 21500Global plastic pollution treatyGender inequality indexGood country indexPlanetary health dietTransgender persons act, 2019Human development indexGdpr fines and noticesGlobal governanceClean development mechanismAddis ababa action agendaThird energy packageInternational securityGlobal connectivity indexIpcc sixth assessment reportCopenhagen consensusKigali amendmentCouncil of the baltic sea statesHumanitarian cluster systemEnvironmental vulnerability indexBelt and road initiativeIso 20121International lawHorizon europeDeclaration of genevaEuropean ecodesign directiveIso 14031Genocide conventionCovaxMultiple indicator cluster surveysAgenda 2063Montreal protocolDevelopment assistance committee21st century cures actIso 10006Forest principlesMinamata convention on mercuryClimate financeQatar national vision 2030Climate vulnerable forumEco-management and audit schemeGlobal liveability rankingSpecial area of conservation30 by 30Global methane initiativeDeclaration of helsinkiLife programmeEuro convergence criteriaData governance actGroup of 77Convention on biological diversity