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Sustainable development goal 1Sustainable development goal 6Sustainable development goal 12Sustainable development goal 10Sustainable development goal 7Sustainable development goal 3Sustainable development goal 16Sustainable development goal 13Sustainable development goal 11Sustainable development goal 17Sustainable development goal 5Agenda 21Sustainable development goal 8Sustainable development goal 14Sustainable development goal 9Sustainable development goal 4European green dealSustainable development goalsSingapore green plan 20302017Post-2015 development agendaAgenda 2063National food security act, 2013Paris agreementNew international economic orderInternational human rights lawMillennium development goalsGreen new dealGreen climate fundSwachh bharat missionRefugee nationBerlin process30 by 30Glasgow climate pactKigali amendmentAgreement on agricultureEpidemiology of malnutritionEarth charterEnvironment act 2021California senate bill 32Targeted poverty alleviationGlobal plastic pollution treatyGlobal hunger indexFit for 55Codex alimentariusAlpine conventionConvention on biological diversityPlanetary health dietNationally determined contributionTrans fat regulationClimate governanceAddis ababa action agendaResponsibility to protectKyoto protocolClimate vulnerable forumIso 20121Copenhagen consensusPm kusum schemeChina western developmentGeneral data protection regulationGlobal connectivity indexIso 21500Eu ecolabelSaudi vision 2030European union energy labelClean development mechanismEgypt vision 2030Development assistance committeeOpen government partnershipDirective 2014/65/euInternational day of peaceQatar national vision 2030Data governance actMultilateralismDeclaration of helsinkiEco-management and audit schemeSustainable consumptionTigrayan peace processLeague of nationsIso 14064Montreal protocolArms trade treatyAfrican economic communityPeace clauseEquivalenceThird energy packageRepowereuLife programmeDigital markets actBangladesh vision 2041Global stocktakeHumanitarian cluster systemBuild back better world2000-watt societyAsean declarationPolio eradicationUnited nationsFree trade agreementClimate emergency declarationMaastricht treaty