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Sustainable development goal 17Sustainable development goal 10Sustainable development goal 6Sustainable development goal 1Sustainable development goal 13Sustainable development goal 11Sustainable development goal 8Sustainable development goal 12Sustainable development goal 7Sustainable development goalsSustainable development goal 9Sustainable development goal 3Sustainable development goal 2Sustainable development goal 4Sustainable development goal 5Sustainable development goal 14Earth charterInternational human rights lawAgenda 21Global governanceUnited nationsParis agreementGlobal peace indexClimate governanceNew international economic orderGreen new dealInternational securityLeague of nationsAgenda 2063Tigrayan peace processGreen climate fundPrinciple of consentPost-2015 development agenda2017MultilateralismOpen government partnershipEuropean green dealBerlin processLiberal institutionalismInternational lawSyrian peace processDemocracy promotionCouncil of europeRegional integrationFourteen pointsRome statuteSingapore green plan 2030Millennium development goalsScience diplomacyPeacebuilding in jammu and kashmirPeace clauseGlobal compact for migrationConvention on biological diversityInternational day of peaceResponsibility to protectLibyan peace processCommon security and defence policyAlpine conventionAn agenda for peaceCommon foreign and security policyGlobal stocktake30 by 30Global connectivity indexArms trade treatyForeign relations of natoEuropean integrationGenocide conventionSaudi vision 2030Covenant of the league of nationsPeace treatyPacific islands forumSix-party talksCopenhagen consensusTrump peace planLiberal international orderAddis ababa action agendaTreaty on european unionRefugee nationTreaties of the european unionData governance actClimate vulnerable forumStability and growth pactMaastricht treatyFree trade agreementJus gentiumGlasgow climate pactAfrican economic communityLiberal internationalism2021Development assistance committeeEuropean neighbourhood policyAsean declarationHuman rights in africaDeclaration of helsinkiSupranational unionTreaty of lisbonCharter of the commonwealthLife programmeTrips agreementUnited nations trusteeship council