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Sustainable development goal 13Sustainable development goal 11Sustainable development goal 7Sustainable development goal 3Sustainable development goal 9Sustainable development goal 10Sustainable development goal 8Sustainable development goal 1Sustainable development goal 4Sustainable development goal 14Sustainable development goalsSustainable development goal 5Sustainable development goal 16Sustainable development goal 2Sustainable development goal 6Post-2015 development agendaSustainable development goal 17Green climate fundParis agreementMillennium development goalsEuropean green dealEuropean ecodesign directiveSingapore green plan 2030Earth charterCodex alimentariusAgenda 21Iso 201212017Forest principlesGlobal compact for migrationKyoto protocolNew international economic orderSustainable consumptionUnited nationsKigali amendmentClean development mechanismNationally determined contributionClimate governanceHabitats directiveGreen new dealGlobal plastic pollution treatyGeneral data protection regulationGlobal stocktakeIpcc sixth assessment reportSaudi vision 2030Iso 21500Gdpr fines and noticesEnvironment act 2021Responsibility to protectOpen government partnershipIct development indexTobacco products directiveConsumer rights act 2015Group of 77Special area of conservationInternational human rights lawGlobal connectivity indexIso 14064Iso 14031Montreal protocolClp regulationIso 10006Copenhagen accordClean power planCalifornia senate bill 32Development assistance committeeLife programmeCopenhagen consensusOecd better life indexEnergy charter treatyGender inequality indexCartagena protocol on biosafetyEnergy policy of russiaCitesClimate financeScientific outlook on developmentEco-management and audit schemeCommon security and defence policyIpcc fifth assessment reportDirective 67/548/eecConvention on biological diversitySwachh bharat missionPradhan mantri garib kalyan yojanaLisbon strategyJoint implementationNagoya protocolCommon reporting standardInternational securityThird energy packageEnvironmental vulnerability indexGenocide conventionDigital markets act21st century cures actGlobal governanceAddis ababa action agendaGlobal methane initiativeBangladesh vision 2041Psychoactive substances act 2016Data governance actGroup of twelve