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Super bowl xxviiSuper bowl xxxSuper bowl xxviSuper bowl xxvSuper bowl xSuper bowl xiiSuper bowl xiiiSuper bowl viSuper bowl vSuper bowl xxiiSuper bowl xxSuper bowl xxxixSuper bowl xxixSuper bowl xxxiSuper bowl xxxviiiSuper bowl xxivSuper bowl xxxviiSuper bowl xxiiiSuper bowl xxiSuper bowl xvSuper bowl xliiSuper bowl xxxiiiSuper bowl xxxviSuper bowl xixSuper bowl xxxiiSuper bowl viiiSuper bowl xxxvSuper bowl ixSuper bowl xliiiSuper bowl xlSuper bowl xlivSuper bowl viiSuper bowl xiSuper bowl xlviSuper bowl xliSuper bowl xivSuper bowl xlviiiSuper bowl xxxivSuper bowl xviSuper bowl xviiiSuper bowl xlvSuper bowl xviiSuper bowl xlviiSuper bowl xlixSuper bowl liSuper bowl liiSuper bowl 50Super bowl livSuper bowl liiiSuper bowl ii2001 orange bowlSuper bowl iAfc championship gameNfc championship game1993 afl grand final1946 nfl championship game2015 nrl grand final1992 afl grand final2006 rose bowl1996 afl grand final1965 nfl championship game99th grey cup2000 sugar bowl1966 nfl championship game1994 afl grand finalSuper bowl lv101st grey cup1997 afl grand final79th grey cup2005 afl grand final1994 fifa world cup final1991 afl grand final1998 afl grand final1990 afl grand final2006 afl grand final2001 afl grand final2003 fiesta bowl1995 afl grand final1985 vfl grand finalEpic in miami1979 cotton bowl classic2002 afl grand final2008 afl grand final1960 philadelphia eagles season2014 afl grand final2010 dallas cowboys season2012 afl grand final2015 afl grand final2004 afl grand final1995 orange bowl1988 vfl grand final2005 orange bowl2013 afl grand finalSuper bowl iii1987 vfl grand final1966 nfl season1999 afl grand final2003 afl grand final1993 stanley cup finals1983 vfl grand final