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Sin taxConsumption taxFuel taxCorporate taxEcotaxFinancial transaction taxSalt taxCarbon taxIndirect taxContainer-deposit legislationIncome taxGross receipts taxTariffPigovian taxSales taxCarbon fee and dividendEuropean union value added taxFiscal policyCarbon pricing in canadaPrice controlsAlcohol lawCalifornia redemption valueAlcohol monopolyExciseDirect taxBank transaction taxFlat taxTax incentiveRoad pricingDividend taxPrice floorBank taxElectronic waste recycling feeFranchise taxTax reformLandfill taxPrivate copying levyProtectionismExcess burden of taxationExcess profits taxEntertainment taxFiscal policy of the philippinesPoll taxProhibitionTampon taxPrice ceilingSugar industryHypothecated taxSubsidyTax creditCocacolonizationEnergy demand managementIncomes policyCarbon emission tradingDutyBusiness improvement districtTax lawCross subsidizationAnti-boycottHealth claimTariff-rate quotaOccupational licensingSmoking banPayroll taxTax breakPublic health insurance optionFood policyProtectionism in the united statesExcise tax in the united statesBig sodaPrice supportAlternative minimum taxLow-carbon fuel standardPay-as-you-earn taxAd valorem taxEconomic interventionismProhibition of drugsExport subsidyBuffett ruleSocialized medicineLuxury taxDynamic pricingRace and the war on drugsTurnover taxCorporate statismIndividual mandateCommercial policyDrug policyCorporate welfareAppropriation billRoad taxTax rateGift taxAgricultural subsidyGovernment revenueGeneralized system of preferencesStamp actBottled water banPoll taxes in the united statesPublicly funded health care