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Hit the rocksSink like a stoneMiss one's tipBurst upBlow up in one's faceCrash and burnFall on one's faceHit the skidsDie on one's arseBreak the back ofBreak badSplit a gutGo outFall between two stoolsFaceplantStrike out lookingBite the big oneFall to bitsCome to nothingFall flat on one's faceMiss the markCrap outSplit one's sidesLose one's wayFall at the last hurdleFall foulCome to noughtDie on the vineCome to griefFall apartGo down the toiletTake a diveHit the rockPunk outLay an eggMisgrabFall by the waysideBomb outGo nowhereBrickleFall on stony groundGo to smashHit a wallFlakeFail at lifeFlopLay eggsBreak one's backFlame outNot win for losingMake like a banana and splitBlow one's chanceDrive into the groundCrack upBreak the bankThrow up one's handsBurn one's boatsRun into a brick wallDrive something into the groundChokeConkSink or swimBreak inWin the battle, but lose the warHit the bricksHit a snagGo downBackfireGo nowhere fastFall shortDrop one's bundleKamikazeBalkFall at the final hurdleHit the dirtHit a brick wallBreakCrack throughThrow one's hat over the wallGo down in flamesLose the plotTake apartFall off one's perchDrop the ballCrack onBreak one's duckHit outGo to the wallBeat into fitsFlunk outGo phutCut one's stickTake the countGo up in smokeBreak awayDo itDrop a brickStrike a strokeBottom fall outStrike a blow