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Curtiss robinBoeing model 15Curtiss t-32 condor iiPzl p.7Howard dga-15Curtiss-wright xp-55 ascenderSeversky p-35Piper j-3 cubCurtiss falconCurtiss p-60Sikorsky s-40Armstrong whitworth f.k.3Sopwith triplaneEtrich taubeLavochkin la-7Gloster gauntletKalinin k-7Douglas xp-48Avro avianCaproni campini n.1North american o-47Sikorsky s-43Savoia-marchetti s.73Armstrong whitworth a.w.52Avro 504Bell yfm-1 airacudaBrewster sb2a buccaneerNorthrop a-17Curtiss p-36 hawkAirco dh.2Arado ar 196Fokker f.viiPiper pa-47 piperjetHawker hindNaval aircraft factory n3nAlbatros c.iiiArado ar 96Sikorsky vs-44Boeing-stearman model 75Martin xb-16Douglas xb-19Republic p-43 lancerDe havilland fox mothConsolidated p-30Curtiss-wright c-76 caravanStipa-caproniHawker hurricaneDouglas sbd dauntlessGloster e.1/44Curtiss xp-62Douglas x-3 stilettoArmstrong whitworth whitleyGrumman f3fArmstrong whitworth a.w.16Taylorcraft austerKalinin k-12Meyers 200Bell p-63 kingcobraAirspeed oxfordCurtiss f9c sparrowhawkCurtiss p-40 warhawkSiebel si 204Piasecki vz-8 airgeepAirco dh.9aArado ar 80Pratt & whitney r-1340 waspSpad s.xiiiMartin p7m submasterBudd rb conestogaJunkers g 31Curtiss sc seahawkDewoitine d.371Curtiss xa-14Spad s.aBristol sycamoreMesserschmitt p.1099Potez 25Blackburn blackburnIkarus ik-2Stinson 108Saab 17Ambrosini ss.4Shvetsov m-25Curtiss sbc helldiverLockheed p-38 lightningCurtiss a-12 shrikeArmstrong whitworth aw.660 argosyFairey flycatcherDouglas a-33Sikorsky s-52Caproni ca.310Messerschmitt bf 162Fokker d.viiiSaunders-roe sr.a/1Aero ae-45Dornier do 26Curtiss xp-46Allison v-3420Saab 18Avro york