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Creation of nasaOuter space treatySpace liability conventionTrade agreements act of 1979Federal arbitration actAlien tort statuteMoon treatyAtomic energy act of 1954Politics of outer spaceArtemis accordsEmergency use authorizationArms export control actForeign sovereign immunities actTeach actIntergovernmental organizationAntarctic treaty systemEuropean atomic energy communityFederal tort claims actDrug-free workplace act of 1988MandateAda amendments act of 2008Mutual defense assistance actInternational lawNuclear suppliers groupAnti-ballistic missile treatyGlobal governanceTrips agreementDigital millennium copyright actJoint aviation authoritiesInternational securityPresidential records actNorth atlantic treatyNuclear waste policy actEuropean economic areaUnited nationsDrug quality and security actEnergy charter treatyComputer fraud and abuse actStandardization agreementExecutive order 12333New engineering contractCorporate average fuel economyClean water ruleSynthetic fuels corporationSherman antitrust actCommunity mental health actFree trade agreementBermuda agreementEuropean patent conventionSocial security amendments of 1965Single european skyReal id actMutual legal assistance treatyEmergencies actInformation technology agreementEuropean union space programmeAtomic energy act of 1946Technology alert listCivil rights act of 1964Schengen acquisCredit rating agency reform actAsean free trade areaNative title act 1993Emission control areaNo child left behind actEuropean single marketHague evidence conventionSsae no. 18Open government partnershipSupranational unionInternational health regulationsDirective 2011/61/euTrade act of 1974Clayton antitrust act of 1914Treaties of the european unionParis agreementRegulation nmsTrade blocCopernicus programmeConvention on the high seasInternational sanctionsForeign exchange management actCompact of free associationIndigenous treaties in australiaHague hijacking conventionEconomic stimulus act of 2008Communications act of 1934Acquis communautaireTroubled asset relief programParis convention of 1919Tokyo conventionQuebec agreementMultilateral export control regimeHague service conventionMontreal conventionEpic systems corp. v. lewisSpecial relationshipTreaty on european unionChief financial officers actDiplomatic recognition