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Bank charter act 1844Civil rights act of 1866Manitoba actRevenue act of 1861Sherman silver purchase actRacial discrimination act 19751813 in the united kingdom1822 in the united statesHistory of slavery in illinois1793 in great britain1804 in the united states1740s18th century1820 in the united states1806 in the united states1871First english civil war, 16431800 in the united states1781 in the united states1787 in the united statesTimeline of united states history1826 in the united states1871 in the united states1808 in the united states1789 in the united states1776 in the united statesGreat ejectionAbortion in portugal1870 in the united statesHistory of australia1751 in great britain1660s1783 in the united states1868 in the united statesFly america act1850 in australiaSocialism in australiaGilded ageGlorious revolution1690s1881 in the united statesHistory of victoriaReform of the house of lords19th century19th century in fashionFirst english civil war, 1642Disaster management act, 20051855 in the united statesCopyright act of 19091670s1790s18th century bc1865 in the united states1884 in the united states17th century1650sHistory of south africaCalendar act 1750Restoration1922 in the united kingdom1894 in the united states1892 in the united states1748 in canadaTimeline of the war of 1812History of panamaConstitution of belgium1470sHistory of hondurasTexas dollarTimeline of londonTimeline of the french revolution1490sSpanish pesetaLong nineteenth century37th century bc1620s2nd centuryFundamental orders of connecticut1946 in the united kingdom1500sSecurity1400sHistory of parliamentarism1850 united states censusHistory of quebecGenocides in historySeneca falls convention17th century bc19th century bcTimeline of the 17th century1600sCypriot nationality law38th century bcEconomy of kolkata1630s1922 in australia1886 in the united states1974 in the united kingdomHistorical materialismTaxpayer relief act of 1997