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European union agency for asylumConference on the future of europeCopernicus programmeJoint aviation authoritiesSchengen acquisBudget of the european unionCommon security and defence policyHorizon europeEuropean defence fundEuropean green dealTrans-european networksEuropean citizens' initiativeEuropean standardFlight compensation regulationEuropean union space programmeTracecaOpen government partnershipArtificial intelligence actEuropean single marketEnergy communityGaia-xFrontexTrans-european road networkInformation society directiveData governance actDigital services actEuropean exchange rate mechanismGdpr fines and noticesEuropean integrationEurasian economic spaceEuropean atomic energy communityEprivacy regulationBlue dot networkFusion for energyDigital single marketEnhanced cooperationCommon procurement vocabularyThird energy packageEuropean neighbourhood policyEuro convergence criteriaEastern partnershipBerlin processTreaty of lisbonSdmxPayment services directiveDirective 89/391/eecGalileoAcquis communautaireEuropean economic areaRegulation nmsGlobal compact for migrationBrussels regimeEco-management and audit schemeCraiova groupInternational securityEurozoneDublin regulationEuropean accessibility actLisbon strategyCommon foreign and security policySouthern gas corridorPolitical and security committeeFederated mission networkingCouncil of the baltic sea statesDigital markets actEuropean patent conventionEcallCentropeEuropean fiscal compactHuman brain projectAsian highway networkEuropean emission standardsAsia cooperation dialogueMelissaInterregAcid rain programRegulation no. 305/2011ErikaEuropean economic communityGeneral data protection regulationData protection directiveBrussels iiDirective 2012/18/euCredit rating agency reform actGlobal methane initiativeEuropean union act 2020Life programmeEuropean ecodesign directiveRegional integrationEuropean qualifications frameworkTreaties of the european unionEast stratcom task forceIntegrated reviewTobacco products directiveCouncil of europeEuropean western balkansIso 20121Trans-african highway networkPeppolPrimacy of european union law