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Taric codeCombined nomenclatureEuropean union act 2020Data protection directiveNorthern ireland protocolCommon veterinary entry documentEuropean union trade markPayment services directiveGeneral data protection regulationChequers planTreaty on european unionEuropean community numberTobacco products directiveBrussels regimeInformation society directiveEurasian conformity markEuropean accessibility actGdpr fines and noticesSchengen acquisRome i regulationEuropean union customs unionDirective 2014/65/euDublin regulationEuropean firearms passDirective 67/548/eecRotterdam rulesIso/iec 7812EdifactCommon reporting standardTir conventionTreaty of romeTreaty of lisbonCommon procurement vocabularyDigital markets actEuropean union act 2018New engineering contractMadrid systemIso 44001European single marketClp regulationEuro convergence criteriaDigital services actCommon security and defence policyRegulation no. 305/2011Brussels iiMaastricht treatyBrexit withdrawal agreementMedical devices directiveTreaties of the european unionEuropean union roaming regulationsEn 1090Acquis communautaireEuropean economic areaHamburg rulesPrimacy of european union lawTrade in services agreementEurasian economic spaceTrade agreements act of 1979Binding corporate rulesRegulation 2017/746Eprivacy regulationDsearLandfill directiveTrips agreementCommon foreign and security policyRotterdam conventionDirective 2021/555Hague evidence conventionHague judgments conventionData governance actEuropean emission standardsConsumer rights act 2015Flight compensation regulationMachinery directiveApostille conventionEuropean ecodesign directiveConference on the future of europeEuropean union tax haven blacklistIsbt 128Regulation 2017/745Northern ireland protocol billTarget2FrontexArtificial intelligence actEuropean patent conventionHague rulesEurocodesBrexit negotiationsEuropean fiscal compactMedicines act 1968Eurasian customs unionEurozoneEuropean standardMontreal conventionDirective 89/391/eecCodex alimentariusIso 20121Multiannual financial frameworkInformation technology agreementIso 10006