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Mr. lisa goes to washingtonLisa's rivalThe war of the simpsonsA streetcar named margeLisa's substituteBart the geniusThe way we wasBrother's little helperThe principal and the pauperCape feareSimpson safariHomer definedHomer and apuI married margeThe otto showLisa the greekSimpsons bible storiesThe homer they fallThe old man and the lisaSimple simpsonMother simpsonThe wizard of evergreen terraceLisa the simpsonTwo bad neighborsOh brother, where art thou?Bart the loverBart of darknessThe call of the simpsonsThe homer of sevilleSimpson tideTreehouse of horrorThe springfield filesThe two mrs. nahasapeemapetilonsDead putting societyTreehouse of horror xxiiiHomer loves flandersLisa's ponyBart the motherLove, springfieldian styleThe parent rapHomer's enemyDancin' homerSelma's choiceOnce upon a time in springfieldBart gets an "f"Bart's girlfriendPygmoelianItchy & scratchy & margeKamp krustyHomer goes to collegeLisa's first wordHome sweet homediddly-dum-doodilyTeam homerHomer the greatThe frontTreehouse of horror iiHomer vs. dignityLisa's weddingBart the daredevilA tale of two springfieldsHow i wet your motherMarge on the lamLisa the beauty queenThe falcon and the d'ohmanHomer the hereticTrash of the titansBart the murdererThe debartedI love lisaBart after darkBart starThat '90s showDufflessThe haw-hawed coupleThe regina monologuesThe last temptation of homerLast exit to springfieldAnd maggie makes threeColonel homerBrother from another seriesMy mother the carjackerThe book jobKing of the hillBart gets famousThe cartridge familyA star is burnsDog of deathRosebudThe twisted world of marge simpsonBart vs. australiaLisa on iceMarge vs. the monorailBrush with greatnessThe way we weren'tBurns' heirMarge gets a jobLisa's date with densityBart on the roadHomer's night outTreehouse of horror xxiv