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Phi kappa phiTau beta piAmerican philosophical societyDelta sigma piPi sigma alphaPhi sigma rhoIlluminating engineering societyPhi beta kappaNational academy of inventorsAlpha beta gammaPhi theta kappaGold humanism honor societySpieDelta omegaSloan research fellowshipNational honor societyPhi delta phiNational inventors hall of fameRoyal societyAmerican welding societyNational medal of scienceSocial science research councilAmerican chemical societyHarvard society of fellowsEta kappa nuAmerican mathematical societyFrench academy of sciencesIeee computer societyAcademy of achievementEisenhower fellowshipsChi omegaRoyal astronomical societyAlpha omega alphaAmerican sociological associationCarnegie institution for sciencePi beta phiFellow of the royal societyAmerican society for microbiologyNational space societySeti instituteThe explorers clubAmerican physical societyNational science foundationThe skeptics societyAlpha epsilon phiCarl sagan instituteCopss presidents' awardRoyal society of chemistryScipostSigma gamma rhoOrder of the engineerBook and snakeNew york academy of medicineBritish science associationTheosophical societyAbetAudio engineering societyKappa alpha societyCarnegie corporation of new yorkSociety of biblical literatureAmerican pharmacists associationBurroughs wellcome fundDod ndseg fellowshipRoyal photographic societySons of the american revolutionSociety of the cincinnatiInternational science councilNational academy of sciencesFbla-pblNational geographic societyMax planck societySanta fe instituteSematechThe combustion instituteNew jersey hall of fameSociety of petroleum engineersJunior chamber internationalAmerican cinema editorsInternational council for scienceStudent societyIeee communications societyRoyal historical societyCeresNational junior honor societyLearned societyAlpha gamma deltaThe recording academyCosmos clubEconomic club of new yorkNational merit scholarship programLondon mathematical societyInstitute of physicsNational academyCenter for open scienceSae internationalHistoric new englandRoyal society of artsExperiments in art and technologyThurgood marshall college fundGeological society of america