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Nichols and mayKander and ebbStiller and mearaJim & jessePeters and leeNicholas brothersBrewer & shipleyLaurel and hardyMizell brothersSonny & cherThe kipper kidsMickey & sylviaBob & earlJan and deanSplinterMartin and lewisThe holy modal roundersLittle and largeSimon & garfunkelInez and charlie foxxSeals and croftsBurns and allenThe sonny & cher comedy hourLonzo and oscarRodgers and hartThe blues brothersSam & dave discographySam & daveKessler twinsPatience and prudenceRitz brothersSteiner brothersIke & tina turnerLoggins and messinaThe kendallsDouble actKalin twinsMarx brothersThe iron sheik and nikolai volkoffLee and herringDick and dee deeOllie & jerryHager twinsThe two coreysPaul & paulaTony orlando and dawnThe three stoogesEngland dan & john ford coleyMonty pythonLance cade and trevor murdochBim bomEsther & abi ofarimRobson & jeromeThe mamas & the papasFrick and frackOsborne brothersBilly and chuckMcfadden & whiteheadContrabandThe lockersMen on a missionThe credibility gapThe firesign theatreLes paul and mary fordBeverly brothersJack lemmon and walter matthauThe brook brothersPlastic ono bandBlues brothersThe monkeesThe rockersSunny & the sunglowsTimbaland & magooM&m boysElephant's memoryChas & daveHarman and isingThe jackson sistersCannon and ballThe bushwhackersThe demarco sistersThe jazz messengersThe almanac singersChang and eng bunkerBarats and beretaCharles & eddieBachman & turnerThe strangelovesSkeleton crewHomer and jethroPaul london and brian kendrickThe krankiesHolly cousinsDesilu productionsThe s.o.u.l. s.y.s.t.e.m.America's most wantedBob and doug mckenzieThe endThe williams brothersAcolytes protection agency