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Pyramid of djoserPrecinct of amun-reRamesseumMortuary templeMortuary temple of ramesses iiiDeir el-bahariSphinx of memphisKv35Pyramid of sahureHeadless pyramidCaesareum of alexandriaRoyal tomb of akhenatenLuxor museumKv21Great pyramid of gizaLuxor templeRed pyramidGreat hypostyle hallPyramid of senusret iiiAmarnaKv57Serapeum of alexandriaAmadaTt52Mortuary temple of hatshepsutEgyptian museumKv60Temple of khonsuTomb of seti iMalkataTemple of belTemple of the winged lionsTemple of zeus, olympiaTemple of amun, jebel barkalBent pyramidSaadian tombsPyramid of djedefreMithraeumTemple of baalshaminTemple of castor and polluxTemple of saturnMausoleum of augustusOmphalos of delphiStele of ankh-ef-en-khonsuHelwanQalawun complexPalace tombNubian museumHall of recordsTanisLibrary of alexandriaRoyal mausoleum of mauretaniaTemple of vestaTemple of jupiter optimus maximusTomb of cyrusPyramid of cestiusObelisk of montecitorioTholos of delphiPyramid of the magicianPyramid of userkafAl-azhar mosqueRoyal cemetery at urGrave circle a, mycenaeAbdeen palaceMausoleum of the yellow emperorTomb of tutankhamunQasr al-bintGriffin warrior tombMing tombsSolomon's templeAl-baqi cemeteryRoyal hypogeum of qatnaPyramid of the sunAl-khaznehMausoleumMausoleum of the first qin emperorAl-hakim mosqueCircus of neroPyramid of khentkaus iTemple of olympian zeus, athensTemple of aresCatacombs of kom el shoqafaNecropolis of pantalicaPyramid of the moonPalace of darius in susaTemple of apollo palatinusGol gumbazTomb of darius the greatLateran palaceEastern qing tombsTemple of bacchusMausoleum of mohammed vTemplo mayorRoyal mausoleum, frogmoreTomb of the scipiosTemple of kom omboTower of elahbelBang pa-in royal palaceHanging gardens of babylonSeptizodium