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Dean of the united states senateFather of the housePresident of the senateStatesmanState senatorMember of congressPoliticianPresident of the senate of nigeriaMember of the european parliamentLibrarian of congressLeader of the house of lordsNominated member of parliamentPatrick leahyPresident of the united statesHarry reidLord speakerChief justice of the united statesPolitical positions of ted cruzLeader of the oppositionSteve clarkJohn murthaMember of parliament, rajya sabhaLindsey grahamChairman of the verkhovna radaPolitical positions of joe bidenSpeaker of the lok sabhaAl gore and information technologyBob menendezRichard blumenthalChuck grassleyMember of parliamentChairman of the state dumaKim carrAttorney general of marylandJohn fordChief justice of australiaRichard shelbyHidenao nakagawaMember of parliament, lok sabhaLieutenant governor of floridaEric abetzTim scottHiroyuki hosodaFuad charPolitical positions of rand paulPolitical career of vladimir putinRon wydenJohn faulknerPresident of nauruPremier of north koreaLeader of the house in lok sabhaAttorney general of virginiaLeader of the house in rajya sabhaAlan fruminChuck schumerSecretary of state of kentuckyBen cardinSheldon whitehouseBill nelsonDick durbinChief justice of canadaSpeaker of the dewan rakyatPrime minister of russiaGovernor of north carolinaJohn cornynChief justice of singaporeMike crapoPrime minister of australiaMayor of the district of columbiaRex patrickDictatorChris murphyLieutenant governor of new yorkClarence thomasJeff bridgesGovernor of tennesseeBob godfreyJerry moranNatural-born-citizen clauseKing of saudi arabiaSherrod brownMarco rubioGovernor of californiaMayor of taipeiBernie sandersJon kylSecretary of state of washingtonSanae takaichiJoe manchinThom tillisGovernor of michiganPresident of armeniaJohn shermanPublic image of joe bidenKazuo shiiTodd youngGovernor of kentuckyJay rockefellerLieutenant governor of virginiaDeputy speaker of the lok sabha