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National security act of 1947Smith actCivil rights act of 1875Mccarran internal security actEspionage act of 1917Naval act of 1794Executive order 6102Enforcement act of 1870Buy american actTrading with the enemy act of 1917Neutrality acts of the 1930sEnrollment actSedition act of 1918ProhibitionMilitia act of 1903Great depressionGold standard actKu klux klan actFugitive slave act of 1793Enabling act of 1933Protect america act of 2007Immigration act of 1924Gold reserve actNorthwest ordinanceBell trade actRevenue act of 1913Mutual defense assistance actSelective service act of 1917Export control actNational service act 1939Immigration act of 1917Slave trade act of 1794Fugitive slave act of 1850Obscene publications act 1857Embargo act of 1807Pacific railroad actsPitt's india actRural electrification actCivil liberties act of 19881930sSlave trade act of 1800Federal assault weapons banDefence of india act 1915Naturalization act of 1906Panic of 1837Natives land act, 1913Slave trade act 1807Titles deprivation act 1917Insurrection act of 1807Charter act of 1813Donation land claim actSchenck v. united statesReconstruction eraPanic of 1907Prohibition in the united statesPanic of 1873Black thursdayAtomic energy act of 1946Panic of 1819Great contractionTwenty negro lawExecutive order 9066Communist control act of 1954Pujo committeeTreachery act 1940Council of national defense9/11 commission reportDefence regulation 18bStolen valor act of 2005Government of ireland act 1914Air mail scandalNazi germanyLend-leaseSuppression of communism act, 1950Declaratory actContinental associationIndian slavery act, 1843Conservative coalitionSugar actBlack tuesdayBuggery act 1533Panic of 1857Infanticide actAct against slaveryHeroes actDominion lands actAmnesty actG.i. billAnti-socialist lawsLochner eraChurch committeePanic of 1893Hitler cabinetAnti-inflation actStamp act congressAbrams v. united statesSavings and loan crisisDay of infamy speechMexican repatriationTimeline of the great depression