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Heger's cabinetFourth merkel cabinetDraghi cabinetKaja kallas' second cabinetFourth rutte cabinetCabinet of petr fialaLandtag of schleswig-holstein15th government of sloveniaRenzi cabinetAndersson cabinetOnward indonesia cabinetLandtag of hesseSecond kurz governmentHitler's chancelleryLandtag of lower saxonyHamburg parliamentLandtag of mecklenburg-vorpommernChamber of deputiesLandtag of brandenburgShadow cabinetAbgeordnetenhaus of berlinBundestagMichel i governmentSiddaramaiah ministryAlbanese governmentPetkov governmentGrand coalitionMember of the german bundestagSocial democratic party of germanyCentre-right coalitionAustrian parliamentPrussian house of representativesHouse of councillorsFideszMarin cabinetPolitics of luxembourgPolitics of samoaFourth hasina ministryLandtag of rhineland-palatinateParliament of romaniaOfficial opposition frontbenchLandtag of liechtensteinPolitics of estoniaPolitics of greeceLandtag of north rhine-westphaliaSecond yanev governmentTraffic light coalitionCoalition47th parliament of australiaShadow cabinet of australiaCivic platformShadow cabinet of william haguePrussian house of lordsPolitics of sloveniaGrand council of ticinoPolitics of north macedoniaPolitics of bavariaSocial democratic partyParliament of cataloniaChristian social union in bavariaAlliance 90/the greensSenate of the czech republicCoalition governmentShadow ministry of peter duttonKurdistan region parliamentPolitics of albaniaParliament of western australiaPolitics of icelandFree voters of bavariaPolitics of montenegroNational assemblyMussolini cabinetNorthern ireland assemblyPolitics of bulgariaParliament of victoriaFolketingPolitics of papua new guineaFederal parliament of somaliaPolitics of croatiaLegislative assembly of ontarioPolitics of latviaPolitics of jordanReichstagSenatePolitics of moldovaPolitics of algeriaParliament of albaniaPolitics of bosnia and herzegovinaPolitics of uzbekistanNazi party chancelleryPolitics of lesothoSeimasNeue rechteGerman people's partyParliament of australiaParliament of tuvaluKonrad adenauer foundationLegislative assembly of manitobaChhattisgarh legislative assemblyPolitics of morocco