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ReginaDorothea of alexandriaSaint winifredAgrippina of mineoSaint veronicaSaint elunedAgnes of romeCatherine of alexandriaSeaxburh of elySaint isidoraSaint margaret of scotlandSaint apolloniaSaint faithSaint barbaraMary of egyptIrene of romePope joanLidwinaMacrina the youngerSaint lauraSaint petronillaPhilomenaMary of shaftesburyJulian of norwichQueen gwendolenQuiteriaLudmila of bohemiaSyncletica of alexandriaClare of montefalcoDorothea of caesareaClotildeAoife macmurroughEuphemiaMaria gorettiRadegundGenevieve of brabantFelicitas of romeSaint monicaBeggaHilda of whitbyCordelia of britainMechtildeMelania the youngerMargaret clitherowMatilda of ringelheimHildegard of the vinzgauRita of casciaClaudiaSaint agnesDorcasGuinevereCwyllogChristina the astonishingHerodiasLagerthaKinga of polandGrace o'malleyCleopatra of jerusalemMary mackillopJane frances de chantalJoan of acreScholasticaAdelheidAnne bassettOdile of alsaceAgnes of assisiEdith of wiltonAnnaMary, mother of jesusCuriaThe lady of all nationsKateri tekakwithaSaint ninoMaria of antiochJoannaAlexandra of romeFrancesca da riminiGisela of friuliLydia of thyatiraLady godivaJuliaMarina the monkBasina of thuringiaPhilippa, 5th countess of ulsterMaria of montferratAgnes of hohenstaufenMaria komnene, queen of jerusalemIsabel marshalAgnes of courtenayMargaret of castelloSancha of aragonFrithuswithNeferneferureFelice della rovereJoan of arcClare of assisiNysaThe book of margery kempePrincess of carignanoAelia eudocia