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ConstitutionLegal certaintyRightsSubstantive due processPeremptory normLegal normConstitutionalityOperation of lawExclusionary ruleConstitutionalismBasic structure doctrineOrganic lawJusticePublic moralityLegal doctrineProcedural due processNondelegation doctrineDue process clauseCommon lawLegalityInherent jurisdictionLegal opinionEvidenceCourtCode enforcementCase lawCode of conductPrecedentRight to petitionEqual consideration of interestsSources of international lawDecreeRule of lenityPrerogativeState responsibilityNatural justiceMaxims of equityLegal immunityProcedural lawAcademic honor codeCivil and political rightsCourt orderGood faithCode of lawLegal ethicsGeneral welfare clauseSovereign immunityPublic trustTraffic codeRebuttable presumptionEtiquetteSeparation of church and statePrivity of contractBy-lawLaw of warSpeedy trialBan on sharia lawDe jureAnti-discrimination lawConstitutional rightImminent lawless actionQuestion of lawJudicial interpretationPublic policy doctrineBill of rightsEx aequo et bonoAbsolute immunityDoctrine of necessityFederal common lawIllegal agreementRational basis reviewQualified immunityBootstrappingNoble cause corruptionLegal remedyStrict constructionismJurisdictionPresidential directiveBlack letter lawStrict scrutinySeverabilityPresumption of guiltFreedom of the pressCivil procedureCivil rightsCensorship in the united statesBreach of duty in english lawSocial responsibilityDuty of careEnforcementAdvisory opinionInformation and beliefLists of landmark court decisionsState immunityTax lawLegitimate expectationJudicial opinionUniversal jurisdictionState actorRight to property