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Reality killed the video starI've been expecting youThe heavy entertainment showSing when you're winningSwings both waysEscapologyLife thru a lensThe christmas presentThe story goes...Swing when you're winningLive at knebworthThe ego has landedRock n roll jesusAll the lost soulsThe heavy entertainment show tourPortraitSoulRingo 2012Paul youngThese streetsRingo the 4thOzzmosisScreamBrendan jamesThe evolution of robin thickeLife in slow motionIn the nowBack to bedlamMaladjustedShamrock diariesLexiconOlympiaFuturesex/lovesoundsBorn to do itJunction sevenJarvisRappa ternt sangaRoyaltyRaymond v. raymondRock and roll heartThe eraserBlurred linesPrideTp.3 reloadedChristmasThe hour of bewilderbeastMy aim is truePress to playOnce upon a mindThe captain & the kidA beautiful worldJason deruloSlicker than your averageSongs from the last centurySongsShowtimeTelegraphKings & queens of the undergroundThe age of adzFaithRadioTear down these wallsPin upsKnowle west boySevenSongs from the labyrinthAndyTransverse cityBlack rainLiverpool 8Billy idolEpicLove after warListen without prejudice vol. 1That lucky old sunIlluminationLove goesHourglass1984All this useless beautyBlackSouthpaw grammarSystemStation to stationMind of mineSymphonicitiesR. kellyPlatinumSongs from the west coastTha carter iiiThe original highRecoveryRumor and sighFive miles outRobbie robertsonThe essential ozzy osbourneThe afterloveChocolate factoryRevelationFollowing my intuition