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Dsv alvinResearch vesselMulti-role ocean surveillance shipOrcaRv polarsternIns anveshPrelude flngRv calypsoMy ocean warriorSea fighterPlatform supply vesselNereusGlomar challengerRrs sir david attenboroughSurvey vesselArgoDiving support vesselRv kronprins haakonSubmarine rescue shipRrs discoveryHms enterpriseS. a. agulhas iiFso saferShipPioneering spiritHst-2OdysseyIns dhruvProteusLaura bassiLittoral combat shipRv tritonS6w reactorScoutS8g reactorNordicIntegrated ocean drilling programRev oceanA2w reactorPlanetA4w reactorSelf defense test shipSailing shipAlbion-class landing platform dockRiver-class offshore patrol vesselDeepwater horizonPolar-class icebreakerJiaolongFreedom-class littoral combat shipStatsraad lehmkuhlFast combat support shipSs el faroAuxiliary floating drydockHmnzs aotearoaIsland-class patrol boatSevern-class lifeboatHms oceanSubmarine aircraft carrierMaritime museumA1b reactorAquarius dignitusMuseum shipSteamshipTrent-class lifeboatPicton castleSea shadowAkademik lomonosovMv global mercyNocgv svalbardInterlake steamship companyPacific princessImoca 6041-foot utility boat, largeBollinger shipyardsProject 23130 replenishment oilerClub med 2Oslo-class frigateOaxaca-class patrol vesselRussian research vessel yantarFactory shipS1b reactorDanmarkShannonSeven seas explorerRoyal fleet auxiliaryRoyal-class cruise shipCelebrity floraPride of americaSailing yachtLifeboatNornen-class patrol vesselMajesty of the seasDsv shinkai 6500Nocgv harstadRem islandTs empire state viBermuda sloopHughes mining bargeOpv-70Rmv scillonian iii