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George iiiNorth ministryGeorge washingtonGeorge ivEdward iiiLord northCoronation of george ivJames ii of scotlandJames iiRichard iiExecutive order 11110George v1814 state of the union addressAbraham lincolnSeptennial act 1715Executive order 10450James iGeorge iEdward iiJohn adamsJames buchananEdward viiEdward iRichard iiiJames madisonMalcolm iii of scotlandJames i of scotlandEdward the elderRobert walpoleAndrew johnsonRobert iii of scotlandGeorge grenvilleHenry viiiPatrick henryEdward viJames monroeAct of proscription 1746Presidency of george washingtonPhilip gidley kingJohn iii of swedenPeter iii of russiaFranklin d. rooseveltAlexander of greeceJohn evelynRepublic of canadaOcta of kentAndrew jacksonAlhred of northumbriaHenry addingtonGeorge canningChristopher billopJames stewartFrancis nashFranklin pierceGeorge gordon, 4th earl of huntlyRobert filmerJohn conyersRoyal robbinsGustav iiiJohn f. kennedyGeorge waltonJohn george iii, elector of saxonyEdward, 2nd duke of yorkDavid johnsonGeorge smithGovernors of british ceylonBonnie prince charlieRalph abercrombyJohn washingtonSpencer percevalHarold wilsonJohn majorPrince george of denmarkAnthony wayneJohn stuart, 3rd earl of buteAlexander hamiltonBalfour declaration of 1926Alfred the greatLewis cassJohn george i, elector of saxonyJohn hampdenJohn hervey, 2nd baron herveyHenry pelhamJames polkSaulCharles lucasLord george gordonLord augustus fitzroyFrancis springArchibald simsonCromwellOliver cromwellPeter lacyHarry trumanJeroboamA new chart of historyErnest augustus, king of hanoverChurchillShakaTokugawa iesada