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Irving kahalMilton agerNacio herb brownIra gershwinLorenz hartDon rayeFred ebbFrank loesserBilly strayhornLew brownGus kahnIrving caesarF. scott fitzgerald bibliographyJimmie rodgersHarold arlenAdolph greenEdward heymanMack davidHarry warrenArthur schwartzJohnny mercerHy zaretGeorge gershwinLouis jordanRoy orbison discographyLink wrayJay livingstonBob robertsAlbert von tilzerRichard a. whitingHoward greenfieldSammy cahnPaul francis websterPhil medleyLeo robinRussel crouseJesse stoneKen darbyBilly higginsEddy duchinJack norworthSherman edwardsHarry richmanAl clevelandMickey newburyTurner laytonHerman hupfeldBob merrillIvory joe hunterHenry cosbyFletcher hendersonMatt dennisJohn l. nelsonEd cobbBert bernsErvin drakeIsham jonesMorton downeyLawrence wrightFrank churchillGordon jenkinsIrving millsChris kennerMort shumanBob eberlyBen raleighFred thompsonNat hikenBuddy desylvaRuss morganEarl robinsonAndy razafIrving gordonHaven gillespieBob creweTommy duncanOtis blackwellKurt weillRobert mellinMezz mezzrowCharlie pooleShorty rogersTommy dorseyTroy sandersRed mitchellJohnny greenMilt franklynJohnny bristolJerry leiber and mike stollerNed millerSpencer williamsJohnny marksFreddie perrenHarry rubyHarold romeEddie kendricksJelly roll mortonNorman gimbelNorman whitfieldIrving berlin