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Gran telescopio canariasTeide observatoryIsaac newton telescopeLa silla observatoryArecibo observatoryMount wilson observatoryCave of el castilloCave of altamiraGriffith observatoryEl caracol, chichen itzaParkes observatorySphinx observatoryCheomseongdaeBellver castleLoro parqueDomusKonkoly observatoryLovell telescopePaul wild observatoryTorre de collserolaBarcelona zooMcdonald observatoryDwingeloo radio observatorySanta maria de montserrat abbeyLowell observatoryCastle of almansaPalacio de la magdalenaSanctuary of arantzazuHale telescopeCastle of rocca calascioAbbey of santo domingo de silosAlbaDavid dunlap observatoryCosmocaixa barcelonaCastle of the moorsTemple expiatori del sagrat corHarlan j. smith telescopeGreen bank observatoryGranada cathedralMonastery of san juan de los reyesEstadio gran canariaGoseck circleRoyal observatory, greenwichAbbey of saint-michel-de-cuxaPalma cathedralMuseum of santa cruzSegovia cathedralPoint reyes lighthouseRio tinto alcan planetariumPlanetariumMuseo del pradoNew mexico museum of space historyOviedo cathedralMission san juan capistranoPoble espanyolTibidabo amusement parkCasas grandesEffelsberg 100-m radio telescopePortaventura parkCastillo de colomaresGibraltar point lighthousePamplona cathedralChania lighthouseQuinta del sordoMuseum of the history of barcelonaParque de atracciones de madridEinstein towerColumbus monument, barcelonaAquarium barcelonaPs20 solar power plantMateus palaceStella maris monasteryPalau sant jordiEstadi municipal de can missesSanctuary of monte sant'angeloPalace of charles vMmt observatoryArchaeological museum of olympiaSantiago de compostela cathedralMark iiEstadio de la cartujaBiblioteca joaninaAztec ruins national monumentSintra national palaceAbbey of sant'antimoAragonese castleAlhambraLa specolaAdler planetariumCuernavaca cathedralMont-saint-michel abbeySeville cathedralPalace of mariventParque del buen retiro, madridFort mose historic state parkEttal abbeyChapel of the rosario, pueblaPalace of queluzPyramid of the moonGreat pyramid of cholula