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Common senseThe age of reasonThe american crisisFederalist no. 1Agrarian justiceThe communist manifestoThe state and revolutionFederalist no. 10Federalist no. 70Thoughts on governmentA theory of justiceThe social contractRules for radicalsPost-scarcity anarchismFederalist no. 51The coming insurrectionFederalist no. 29The concept of the politicalA vindication of natural societyAnarchismMalthusianismThe constitution of libertyA vindication of the rights of menCapitalism and freedomDiscourse on inequalityPrinciples of political economyThe principles of communismThe federalist papersThe denationalization of moneyThe civil war in franceAreopagiticaThe case for animal rightsFederalist no. 78Letters on the englishThe conquest of breadReflections on violenceLiberalismThe anatomy of revolutionDas kapitalThe liberty amendmentsTheses on feuerbachThe origins of political orderCatechism of a revolutionaryThe law of nationsThe soul of man under socialismStatism and anarchyBellum omnium contra omnesDe jure belli ac pacisThe coming anarchyThe power of the powerlessFamine, affluence, and moralityThe use of knowledge in societyThe commonwealth of oceanaProgress and povertyAgainst methodThe german ideologyThe open society and its enemiesEntitlement theoryPolitical consciousnessRerum novarumThe myth of the rational voterNotes on the state of virginiaThe fatal conceitHumanism and its aspirationsThe myth of mental illnessSocialism or barbarismThe revolution of everyday lifeMagonismGuerilla open access manifestoBrutusThe righteous mindDefence of the seven sacramentsThe system of natureBehemothThe political unconsciousGod is not greatAnarchy is what states make of itPractical philosophyTheoretical philosophyHumanist manifesto iiJustice as fairnessPropagandaMetaphysics of moralsMoziThe problem of political authorityRequiem for the american dreamScientific socialismRace and economicsPierre-joseph proudhonA secular ageCritique of pure reasonT.h. marshall's social citizenshipThe third industrial revolutionHow to be a conservativeThe transcendence of the egoDeclaration of sentimentsDarwin's dangerous ideaThe poverty of historicismThe world is flatThe abc of communism